Accessibility & consultation hours

Accessibility & consultation hours

Delivery and emergency

06 - 430 290 73

Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!


070 - 301 01 97

Monday to Friday: 08:30 - 16:00


  1. In case of an emergency or delivery never use the answering machine or e-mail, but call the mobile number (06-43029073)
  2. Don’t call without number recognition.
  3. Should the phone not be answered, try again after a few minutes.
  4. If, once again, the phone is not being answered, call our pager: 06-65130715, choose option 2, press your own telephone number and close bij pressing #. Your call will be returned

Location Leidschendam

Zaagmolenstraat 81, 2265 XH Leidschendam (head office and postal address)

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